It seemed far too much effort to write three separate reviews so here's three in one.
First, Dial M For Murder. Another brilliant turn from director Alfred Hitchcock. Set almost entirely in the space of a single apartment, just like Hitchcock's own 'Rear Window,' this film focuses more on the characters due to the simplistic nature of the setting.
The premise? The perfect murder is planned out but doesn't play out right. Following this is confusion and deceit. Someone knows the truth but how can they cover it up? A genius plot with amazing characters. The acting is suberb and the directing is almost unmatchable. So worth a watch. Not Hitchcock's best but still very good.

Best Bit? The very very end... No spoilers here ;)
Yes that was a short review; have another.
Drag Me To Hell. Argh a modern horror! But wait! It's actually okay? Good even? It's definately creepy and un-nerving.... But it's also quite hilarious. Oh, and disgusting. Take it 100% seriously... you'll either be scared or disappointed... Take it as a horror-com. and you'll be happier. But I said previously that horrors are a good chance to show acting chops, Alison Lohman and Justin Long really show what they can do. Going from casual couple to crazed and and panicked slowly over the film.
Often funny and scary and constently disgusting. Worth a watch even if just for Alison Lohman.

Best Bit? Alison Lohman digging up a body. She's angry, soaking wet and bloody hot.
And now my important review.
Let The Right One In
A film starring child actors that is stunning in every sense. It truly is beautiful and touching. Twilight? Bah! Vampires can be beautiful and scary. This film manages both unlike *Shudder* Twilight.
A 'young' vampire, Eli, befriends Oskar, a twelve year old boy who struggles with bullying, split parents and a lack of friends. A tale of friendship, hardship and trust portrayed brilliantly by two 13 year olds . Never work with children or animals they say... Forget that! Kåre Hedebrant and Lina Leandersson will be Oscar winners in no time if they keep performing like this! They were stunning. I cannot describe enough how amazing they were!
Knife crime was really on the rise
Director, Tomas Alfredson, knows what he wants. Every camera shot is beautiful and perfectly angled. The minimal score is used to maximum effect. Every scene brings what it can to the film in a unique way. I can only describe it as beautiful...
There is so much I want to say but I can't think of how to word it apart from beautiful, and I don't want to get too repetitive. It's also genuinly chilling and creepy. You will connect with the characters and be on the edge of your seat.
A definite must see. Whether you're a fan of forigen language or not (It's Swedish.) Also Empire said it was the best film of 2009. Gotta be a good sign.

Best bit? It's a spoiler.... Fire in a hospital is involved.