If you're wondering what film I shall be writing about today, go back and read the title again until you hear the movie name. Can't get it? Okay, it's Easy A.
You fell in love with her as the mysterious but ever so sexy Wichita in Zombieland (review coming soon) and now you'll want to marry her; yes, even if you're female. I'm talking, of course, of the gorgeous Emma Stone. I actually saw this movie before Zombieland. It was her that convinced me to watch Zombieland. She's just that good. More about her later.

The premise of the movie is one that brings the 80's rom-com to a modern audience. Olive (Stone) lies to her best friend about losing her virginity and starts a crazy stream of rumours. Everyone believes her to be a whore so she complies by dressing as one and allowing the rumours to flow. All she really wanted however, is to have a romance just like the ones in 80's rom-coms. Nice post-modern touches here and there on that last point. With a family so adorable you'll want to adopt them and smart jokes in such plentiful supply, the pace never drops and sucked into the movie you shall be.
All round brilliant performances. In particular, Olive's family, who I've already mentioned, where most certainly the highlight of the film, (bar Olive herself.) They had some brilliant moments. A huge congrats to Patricia Clarkson and Stanley Tucci. If they were on screen, you knew something funny was going to happen; you'll be quoting them for weeks. But the absolute best thing about the whole film is Emma Stone. She has unique comic timing, a brilliant wit and and such variety in her performance. Oh, and she's bloody hot. She's one of the most lovable characters in film history and I can guarantee you will be very fond of her by the end of the movie.

I'll tell you, if this was how teachers gave me an A, I would try a lot harder in school.
I'm running out of things to say. Did I say that Emma Stone is wonderful? I would suggest that you watch this movie. It's brilliantly light and fun. Think Mean Girls... But with Emma Stone instead of a crack whore... Lindsay Lohan... Sorry. Oh, and you'll leave with Pocket Full Of Sunshine stuck in your head.. I've got a pocket, gotta pocket full of sunshine....


Best Bit? Olive's sexy musical number. Every male will be drooling, every female will be jealous they don't have the same effect.
I LOOOVE the pocket full of sunshine bit! I saw it on the commercial and i neeed to see that film ;D